giving away the third wedding quilt this year - phew!
In the past year, we've had three weddings in our ward. With a little grumbling, I organized the church ladies to make three wedding quilts. I farmed out cutting and sewing work to 10+ ladies and surprisingly, the quilts actually came together with minimal de/reconstruction when I sewed all the blocks together. We have some hard workers in our ward. Thanks to all the ladies that made this possible! And special thanks to Julie R for encouraging us to go the extra mile.
The first quilt was for Alyssa, who married the son of our good friend Heidi. We decided last minute to make this and threw it together very quickly, with random fabric I already had. It's not super fancy but I thought it was cozy and attractive. She was very happy to receive it, especially from a bunch of ladies that didn't know her at all.
We made the second quilt for Sabrina. I don't know her very well, but her mother Rosemary has taken good care of both my boys in the church nursery for years and we love her. Rosemary provided the fabric. We didn't have much time for this one either so we picked the yellow brick road pattern which comes together super quick.
We just finished the last one for our dear friend Meike. We had much more time for this quilt than the others, she was able to pick out the fabric and give feedback on the design before we started. Since she is moving to America and didn't have room in her suitcase for a bulky quilt, we just made the quilt top, back and binding and will have someone machine quilt it for her in the US.

Here we are giving Meike the quilt at her goodbye party.

I think the quilting will really change the look of this quilt. I wish I could see it in person when it's done.

We used an interesting technique demonstrated
in this video. It's kinda annoying but I love the look of it. I want to make one for myself someday.